About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The IALS Student Law Review is an open access journal publishing scholarly articles or developing work format and will focus on legal studies within the main expertise of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), School of Advanced Study (SAS) University of London. The IALS Student Law Review provides a unique forum for all those who are interested in legal studies to present their scholarly contributions.
Papers that investigate legal issues from single or multiple vantage points whether topically or jurisdictionally are equally welcomed, as are papers examining law-related interdisciplinary work. Submissions from legal practitioners are also welcomed. Scholars working on related topics are encouraged to put together several papers for consideration as special themed issues or dossiers.
Peer Review Process
Peer review process
After an initial reading by the Editorial Board to establish suitability, we operate a two-stage peer review process. Firstly, an appointed editor is invited to comment on the manuscript. Then, secondly, depending on their recommendations, we accept, advise minor revisions, request major revision and resubmission, or reject.
When amendments are advised, we will agree a deadline with the author for returning the revised manuscript to us. In the case of major revision, we will approach one of the previous peer reviewers to consider the piece again. Once their comments have been returned then we make a final decision: accept further minor revisions or reject.
All stages are supervised by an academic member of staff.
Publication Frequency
The journal is published twice a year. The Spring issue is published in March (the deadline for submission is 15 January) and the Autumn issue in September (the deadline for submissions is 15 July).
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal does not have article processing charges (APCs). There are no article submission charges.