Criss-crossings of Psychological Practice in Adoption Processes

Preliminary Results of a Field Study in Argentina


  • Lucía Coler
  • Gabriela Z Salomone



Psychologists have acquired an increasingly significant role in the field of child protection in Argentina. Particularly in regard to their participation in the adoption system, psychological reports and interventions have taken great prominence when an exceptional protection measure of family separation is decided or when the adoptability status of a child is under consideration, among other instances. The increasing incidence of intervention by psychologists makes it necessary to analyse the factors that infuse the practices conditioning professional criteria. From a mental health perspective, it is necessary for professionals in the area to be able to provide a reading of the subjective aspects at stake. Based on this, we reflect on the importance of articulating both the children’s rights field and the field of the individual subject involved in each case.

This article presents some results of PhD field research conducted in Buenos Aires, Argentina, by analysing qualitative interviews and the retrieval of information from legal files collected from a Civil Court and from several institutions related to the adoption system. It examines various institutional and discursive criss-crossings that affect the work and the viewpoint of psychologists in this area of their activity.

Keywords: adoption; ethics; institutions; psychology; subjectivity.







Special Section: Children's Rights: Contemporary Issues in Law and Society (Part 1)