The Discontents of the Pan European Game Information (PEGI)

A Visual Law Analysis


  • Salvatore Fasciana


This article explores the practical application of visual law and legal design in the context of consumer protection and video games, and it examines the Pan European Game Information System (PEGI) and its limitations in the classification of video games. While PEGI effectively translates regulatory concerns into an accessible and standardized visual format, its content-based approach oversimplifies the complexity of the video game medium while also overlooking how the human–machine interaction takes place. With this in mind, this article proposes a shift towards a PEGI-grounded classification system that focuses on “gameplay bricks”: the rules and mechanics that shape the game environment. By integrating principles and insight from visual law and legal design, this model aims to enhance clarity, accessibility and understanding of the legal message behind an icon or indicator. In this context, legal design ensures that the rule/mechanic structure is translated into visual indicators and icons that have the capacity to empower consumers to make informed decisions. This approach thus aligns with the policy objectives that constituted the cornerstones of the very existence of PEGI.

Keywords: video games; PEGI; video games rules; indicators; rating gameplay.







Visual Law